7  *FX 229,1 ( inst 2 REF(20,3) A F%=-324128032:F%,700:F%+324,1024:F%,1024:F%+324,700: NH> 131:0:0,0);"SCORE ";score;" CHARGE ";charge:128:3: NR ݤCWRS Nfh G$=(1):X%=X%+32*((G$="," X%>0)-(G$="." X%<1280)):Y%=Y%+32*((G$="X" Y%>0)-(G$="C" Y%<1024)) Np> Q=X%+4,Y%+4):A%,B%-40:7,A%,B%+40:A%-40,B%:7,A%+40,B% Nz2 X%,Y%-40:21,X%,Y%+40:X%-40,Y%:21,X%+40,Y% N A%=X%:B%=Y% N =Q N SPLAT N :>200APHNL N* G$="V"G$="M"electro=1:electrify N D=CWRS:G$=" " N D<>1 N* XS=(X%/32-2)/32:YS=((30-Y%/32)-27)/32 N Y=27:Z= N X=0 X%/32-2 XS N MENG(X,Y):Y=Y+YS N :KILL N =Z: N AARGH N 2,1,1,5: N1 BZZZT:&0010,-15,7,15:1,-1,75,15:AARGH: N! RED(U): X%,D%: X%=1 20 N| REF(X%,3)<>43 0:MCL(REF(X%,0),REF(X%,1),1):REF(X%,1)=REF(X%,1)-U:1:MCL(REF(X%,0),REF(X%,1),REF(X%,2)) D%=D%+1 NR REF(X%,1)<=1 electro=1 BZZZT:REF(X%,3)=43:REF(X%,1)=20:score=INC(X%) N REF(X%,1)<0@jO N :3:*FX21,0 N D%=20ppO O O KILL: X:AARGH O C%=X%/32:D%=(30-Y%/32)+1 OE X=120:((REF(X,0)=C%)(REF(X,1)=D%))REF(X,3)=43:score=INC(X) O$+ :MENG(0,27):D=CWRS:FEN:RED(0): O./ APHNL:RED(1):electro=0:electrify:=0: O8 electrify:charge=0@LO OBV electro<>02,2:0,1024:0,974:85,1280,1024:85,1280,974:0,3:charge=charge-1: OLC FEN:1:X=120:REF(X,3)<>43MCL(REF(X,0),REF(X,1),REF(X,2)) OV :3: O` ݤINC(X)=score+10*REF(X,2) Oj :7 Ot< X=01:6,9+X);141;134;"The fence is breached !!!": Oy/ '"You have qualified as a Russian agent" O~ X=-150:0,X,5,5: O- ''"Do you want to go again?(Y or N)" O :A$=:A$="Y"A$="N" O A$="Y" O : OD :7:X=01:4,9+X);141;134;"Well done! You got them all!": OK '"Robertson's will be along to scrape up the remains" O( X=15:1,-15,180-10*X,5:1,0,0,5: O pHO O inst OA X=01:1,X);141;129;"ATTACK OF THE LESBIAN COMMUNISTS": O' " The Greenham Common Game" O '"You represent the forces of Good and Sanity,as embodied by the Thatcher Government.Several leftist subversives, who call themselves 'peace women' but" P "are really lesbian communists,are prac- tising sabotage on the fence of the nuclear base at Greenham Common by cutting holes in the fence with a view" P "to introducing Russian agents to the cruise missile silos within.Your job is to align the crosswires on them and thenscramble a steamroller to run them over."; P "As a last resort,the top wire of the fence can be electrified;unfortunately as the base is far from civilisation theelectricity comes from batteries,which" P/ "will only last for 10 electrifications." P($ '"Press any key to continue" P2 A=: P<* X=01:14,X);141;134;"CONTROLS": PF. '''"X Move horizontal crosswire down" PP* '"C Move horizontal crosswire up" PZ* '", Move vertical crosswire left" Pd+ '". Move vertical crosswire right" Pn '"V Electrify fence" Px '"M Electrify fence" P/ '"Space Scramble steamroller to splat" P# '''"Press any key to start" P A=: