Girl Management are a model agency in Soho, London. They are shite.
This is easily demonstrated...
Lucy Pinder is the top glamour model in the country.
Lucy Pinder is managed by Girl Management.
Lucy Pinder only ever appears in one magazine (Nuts). That's the lot. (Maybe Loaded once every couple of years on average as well.)
If that's all Girl Management can manage to do for the top model in the country, they must be shite. Really shite.
See I told you it was simple...
Not to mention that they changed ownership twice in 2013; Loaded bought them out at the start of the year and then
sold them on a few months later. Obviously Loaded didn't take long to realise they are shite!
Oh, and the discrepancy between "top model" and "shite agency"? Lucy Pinder started her career with IMM, who are not shite.
IMM, plus her association with Michelle Marsh (also then with IMM), made her top model. Her talent at modelling has kept her there despite having been with shite agencies ever since she
left IMM. And she stays with shite agencies because (a) she doesn't believe in her own talent and puts her continued success
down to whatever agency she's with, and (b) she is too naive and trusting, and thinks that if a businessman pretends to be her
friend then he really is a friend and will do his best for her, rather than doing his best for his business. Fuck knows why she
hasn't clued in after 10 years as a model but there we are, some people never learn...
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