Jed: Function keys in xterms
My preferred text editor is the
editor package. I have set up custom key bindings for the function keys F1-F9 to functions I use a lot,
in a file ~/
which is called by an entry in ~/.jedrc :
For long it has been a source of annoyance to me that while my keybindings worked fine in
text consoles, most of them didn't work in xterms. Finally it dawned on me that this is
because some of the function keys produce wildly different codes in xterms from what they
produce in text consoles (fuck knows why), and a solution became possible.
() = evalfile("/home/pigeon/");
The first step was to find out what codes the keys were actually producing, by compiling
and running the following C snippet, then pressing the function keys and noting
what codes where produced:
#include <stdio.h>
Having done that I could then modify
void main(void) {
int x;
while ((x=getchar())!=EOF) printf((x==0x0a ? "(return)\n" : "%02X "),x);
to set up the keybindings
differently according to whether it was in a text console or an xterm:
$1 = getenv ("TERM");
Naturally, you'd replace the actions of the keybindings with your own
preferences. :-)
if ($1 == NULL) $1 = "";
if (is_list_element ("linux,console,con80x25,con80x28", $1, ','))
USE_ANSI_COLORS = 1; % uncomment if your console is a color one!
TERM_CANNOT_SCROLL = -1; % Truth is, linux console does not scroll well.
setkey("bol", "^[[1~"); % home
setkey("toggle_overwrite", "^[[2~"); % insert
setkey("delete_char_cmd", "^[[3~"); % delete
setkey("eol", "^[[4~"); % end
setkey("page_up", "^[[5~");
setkey("page_down", "^[[6~");
setkey("exit_jed","^Q"); % Ctrl-Q
setkey("kill_line","^Y"); % Ctrl-Y
setkey("bob", "\x1b\x5b\x35\x43\x7e"); % Ctrl-Pgup
setkey("eob", "\x1b\x5b\x36\x43\x7e"); % Ctrl-Pgdn
setkey("help_prefix","\x1b\x5b\x5b\x41"); % F1
setkey("save_buffer","\x1b\x5b\x5b\x42"); % F2
setkey("exit_jed","\x1b\x5b\x5b\x43"); % F3
setkey("smart_set_mark_cmd","\x1b\x5b\x5b\x44"); % F4
setkey("pigeoncopy","\x1b\x5b\x5b\x45"); % F5
setkey("pigeonpaste","\x1b\x5b\x31\x37\x7e"); % F6
setkey("pigeonzap","\x1b\x5b\x31\x38\x7e"); % F7
setkey("insert_file","\x1b\x5b\x31\x39\x7e"); % F8
setkey("search_forward","\x1b\x5b\x32\x30\x7e"); % F9
} else { % should be executed for xterms
setkey("bol", "\x1b\x4f\x48"); % home
setkey("toggle_overwrite", "^[[2~"); % insert
setkey("delete_char_cmd", "^[[3~"); % delete
setkey("eol", "\x1b\x4f\x46"); % end
setkey("page_up", "^[[5~");
setkey("page_down", "^[[6~");
setkey("exit_jed","^Q"); % Ctrl-Q
setkey("kill_line","^Y"); % Ctrl-Y
setkey("bob", "\x1b\x5b\x35\x3b\x35\x7e"); % Ctrl-Pgup
setkey("eob", "\x1b\x5b\x36\x3b\x35\x7e"); % Ctrl-Pgdn
setkey("help_prefix","\x1b\x4f\x50"); % F1
setkey("save_buffer","\x1b\x4f\x51"); % F2
setkey("exit_jed","\x1b\x4f\x52"); % F3
setkey("smart_set_mark_cmd","\x1b\x4f\x53"); % F4
setkey("pigeoncopy","\x1b\x5b\x31\x35\x7e"); % F5
setkey("pigeonpaste","\x1b\x5b\x31\x37\x7e"); % F6
setkey("pigeonzap","\x1b\x5b\x31\x38\x7e"); % F7
setkey("insert_file","\x1b\x5b\x31\x39\x7e"); % F8
setkey("search_forward","\x1b\x5b\x32\x30\x7e"); % F9
The correct functioning of this lot seems to depend on the presence of
file, see here.
NOTE: In ubuntu maverick this goes all weird and I have no idea why.
The above C snippet reports the codes produced by the Home and End
keys in an xterm as 1b 5b 48
and 1b 5b 46
but this is not what is passed to jed. What jed sees is
1b 4f 48
and 1b 4f 46
, so these are the values
to be entered in the custom file. I haven't got a
fucking clue why the received codes change when you load jed, and
I only found it out by trial and error. To make it even more puzzling,
the 1b 5b xx
codes produced by other keys such as Page Up/Down,
Insert, and Delete do not change to 1b 4f xx
One thing I have not yet figured out is how to make Alt-key work in xterms to
activate the DOS EDIT style popup menus as it does in text consoles.
However, Esc key does activate the pop-up menus, and is an acceptable
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